Core Ignition Drop Claiming Guide

 The Core Ignition Drop, which started the rewards claim on June 10, 2024, allows Coretoshis (Core Community) to unlock incentives for their contributions and engagement in the Core Blockchain. The Incentives claimed by the participating community are based on their activities up from the day they join the program until the snapshot is taken. In this article, I will discuss how to participate in the Core Ignition Drop, its benefits, and more. What is Core Ignition? Core ignition is an incentive program developed by the Core Foundation to jumpstart the growth of the DeFi ecosystem on Core Blockchain, the program started on March 11th, 2024, and will continue for six months, providing ample time for users to participate and reap the benefits, rewarding the community for their contributions to the network. By participating, users can earn rewards while simultaneously helping to fuel the growth and adoption of the Core ecosystem. The Core Ignition Program is for both ecosystem users and We

Paxful: The peer-to-peer Bitcoin Market Place

Enat DigitalBiz @Paxful on of the best bitcoin marketplace

What is Paxful?

Paxful is one of the leading Bitcoin marketplaces that enable users to buy and sell bitcoin with their choice of over 300 payment options, it's like eBay, but for money and totally without limits, when you join Paxful, you get a safe, super simple bitcoin, and free wallet to use.

The platform connects over half a million users all over the world. All of their users are protected by the Paxful escrow service, which means they can safely transact knowing their funds are safe.

Payment Options:

Paxful makes it easy for their users to transact smoothly with over 300 payment methods like:

Bank Transfer, Amazon Gift card, iTunes Gift card, Western Union, MoneyGram, Online Transfers, Debit/Credit Cards, Digital Currencies, Domestic Wire Transfer, Sephora Gift card, Google Play Gift Card, OneVanilla Visa/Master Gift Card, etc.

Buying And Selling On Paxful As A Vendor

  • Buy bitcoin online: On Paxful, you buy bitcoin from other people in real-time Trading happens online via live chat.
  • Sell Bitcoin:- Paxful vendors can earn six figures from the comfort of their home and many do.
  • Trade with Secure Escrow:- Once payment is made and verified by the seller, the bitcoin will be released to your wallet.
Find a vendor with a good feedback score. A vendor's reputation is displayed in green with a + before it. Eg +1250-2  means they have +1250 good feedback scores from buyers and only 2 negatives.

Someone with a feedback score of +200 or above is ideal. Better still if the seller is ID-verified.
- Always read the terms of the offer before you start the order. Vendors should mention what they expect and what you will need to provide. Eg. For gift cards, many vendors require a receipt showing that the gift card was bought with cash. If they ask for this and you can't provide it, then it's better to not deal with them and just look for someone else. If you can provide all the requirements, then make sure you have everything ready before you start the order.

Create Paxful Account and start trading bitcoin.

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