Mine cPen Network: A Cutting-edge Web3 Social Media Platform

 open Network Cutting-edge web3 social media platform Reduce the carbon footprint Explore the crypto future with the cPen mobile app at your fingertips. cPen Network mobile mining app launched on 4th October 2023, with a mission to empower people across the globe by connecting them with a new digital currency, revolutionizing the way they access information. cPen claims to be similar to Pi Network at the beginning of the project but will build great web3 social media with many surprises coming. Join cPen Network now! How to Mine cPen Network?  The cPen Network app is available for download on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or by directly downloading the Android app package. Download from: Apple Store -  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cpen-network/id6467820763 Invitation Code: Enat Google Play -  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cpen.mobile Invitation Code: Enat Accumulate enough cPen Network and with for the surprise Android -  https://...

Russian authorities set to regulate cryptocurrency

Russian authorities are set to recognize digital assets as a form of currency and regulate it.

According to a Russian newspaper Kommersant, reported that the Russian government is expected to unveil ways to regulate cryptocurrency by February 18.

As Kommersant quoted that the government and the Bank of Russia have reached an agreement on how to regulate Cryptos. They are now preparing a draft law that will define crypto as an "analogue of currencies" rather than as digital financial assets.

The report also stated that it will only be possible to use crypto "in the legal sector" with full identification, through the blanking system, or via licensed intermediaries.

This happened after the Russian president Vladimir Putin had aimed for cryptocurrencies regulation in January said "Russia had advantages in crypto mining."

Stating by Kommersant report suggesting that fines will also be levied on those who illegally accept crypto as a means of payment.

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