Mine cPen Network: A Cutting-edge Web3 Social Media Platform

 open Network Cutting-edge web3 social media platform Reduce the carbon footprint Explore the crypto future with the cPen mobile app at your fingertips. cPen Network mobile mining app launched on 4th October 2023, with a mission to empower people across the globe by connecting them with a new digital currency, revolutionizing the way they access information. cPen claims to be similar to Pi Network at the beginning of the project but will build great web3 social media with many surprises coming. Join cPen Network now! How to Mine cPen Network?  The cPen Network app is available for download on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or by directly downloading the Android app package. Download from: Apple Store -  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cpen-network/id6467820763 Invitation Code: Enat Google Play -  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cpen.mobile Invitation Code: Enat Accumulate enough cPen Network and with for the surprise Android -  https://...

Breaking: Satoshi BTCs Testnet (Satoshi Chain) Launches

According to the update on the Satoshi BTCs mining app, the long awaiting "Satoshi Chain" TestNest has been officially launched. The BTCs developers are now inviting exchanges, developers, researchers, and users worldwide to join the trial to get high-performance chain experiences and explore the infinite possibilities of Satoshi applications together.

The activities on the TestNet include viewing various data on the Satoshi Chain and using the wallet functions (available for BTCs receiving tests).

Developers will be able to create contracts, Tokens, dApps, deploy staked validator nodes, staking BTCs etc.

The public can now visit the blockchain (Satoshi Chain)  browser https://test.btcs.network to view TestNet chain data.

The Satoshi BTCs MainNet is also slated to be launched in the second quarter of this year.

Satoshi Chain

Satoshi public chain is a Blockchain economy infrastructure, an optimal solution for the decentralization of smart contract public chain authority. The future is a smart contract world, a programmable world, and the new world will have new currencies, finances, organizational structures, and new ways of collaboration.

Satoshi invented the SATOSHI+ consensus algorithm the third revolutionary technology in blockchain and encryption. The first is the invention of Bitcoin (PoW), the second is the invention of  Ethereum (smart contracts), and the third is the invention of the SATOSHI+ consensus algorithm.
The emergence of SATOSHI+ allows the Bitcoin network to run smart contracts with high performance. All of Bitcoin's computing power naturally supports Satoshi's computing power, and all the energy and computing power paid for Bitcoin PoW protect Satoshi's decentralization capabilities. Wait for the release of the technical whitepaper for more details. 

However, the Satoshi BTCs free mining is ongoing till December 2022 as participants can accumulate BTCs and also enjoy daily BTC giveaways.

How to Add Satoshi TestNet Network on Metamask

  • Open the Metamask app, click on the browser
  • Copy this link https://test.btcs.network to the search bar
  • Scroll down and click Add network

  • You have successfully added Satoshi test et network to your Metamask wallet

  • Now go back to the browser bar and past this link to receive tBTCs to your Satoshi TestNet wallet you created https://scan.test.btcs.network/faucet

  • After clicking on "get tBTCs", 1 tBTCs will be sent to your testnet wallet automatically.

Increase your mining hash rate by participating in the TestNet transactions, send tBTCs to other wallet addresses and submit your address on the mining app to receive 10k hash.

Note: Old miners will need to download the updated Satoshi APK app to see the receive hash button as shown in the image above.

TestNet Video Guide 

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  1. MUST it be METAMASK wallet?

  2. I did what you taught in the video but I did not receive any tbtcs in my METAMASK wallet.

    Secondly, i have the old satoshi app but trying to update it is giving me to download a new app. what will happen to my old mining app


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