Core Ignition Drop Claiming Guide

 The Core Ignition Drop, which started the rewards claim on June 10, 2024, allows Coretoshis (Core Community) to unlock incentives for their contributions and engagement in the Core Blockchain. The Incentives claimed by the participating community are based on their activities up from the day they join the program until the snapshot is taken. In this article, I will discuss how to participate in the Core Ignition Drop, its benefits, and more. What is Core Ignition? Core ignition is an incentive program developed by the Core Foundation to jumpstart the growth of the DeFi ecosystem on Core Blockchain, the program started on March 11th, 2024, and will continue for six months, providing ample time for users to participate and reap the benefits, rewarding the community for their contributions to the network. By participating, users can earn rewards while simultaneously helping to fuel the growth and adoption of the Core ecosystem. The Core Ignition Program is for both ecosystem users and We

Breaking: Catly Token Community Votes for Minting More Tokens Before Listing

Catly token

 Catly Token, one of the best, most transparent, and most reliable meme token projects on the Binance network has concluded minting more CATLY tokens and extending the token listing on crypto exchanges.

This development came after the project's developer launched a poll on the official telegram channel asking the Catly Community to vote on whether to stick with the already planned listing of the token on the exchange after reaching 70% presale or to mint 2 or 8 billion more tokens and continue the presale up till 2024 and 2025 respectively before listing on exchanges for trading.

Catly developer gives reasons for the user's Survey says:

"Dear CATLY Community, 

Catly has currently completed 35% of the pre-sale, indicating that once an additional 35% of the tokens are sold in the presale, it will be listed on exchanges, with the target completion expected in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Your Preferences:

  • Accelerate Listing: Trade to Earn, You would like CATLY to increase its marketing efforts and get listed on exchanges as soon as possible. This choice lets you trade based on the token's market performance to achieve profits.
  • Token Minting: Stake to Earn, You prefer issuing more tokens. This choice lets you earn a stable daily staking reward of 3% by utilizing the existing staking mechanism. 
Feasibility Analysis of Token Minting: Calculated based on the token's presale price of $0.004 and a total supply of 2.1 billion, our presale market capitalization is only $8.4 million. However, with our current community size of 270k members, the current CATLY market capitalizes on seems relatively small, indicating potential room for token minting."

Earlier before the user's survey voting, Catly pinned the 5 buyback fund wallets showing the balance of all wallets on the main site to make it accessible to the public information. This transparency has strengthened the trust of the community in the Catly project.

The community's confidence in the CATLY project makes the majority vote in support of minting 8 billion more tokens to continue with the buyback program and extend listing on the exchanges till 2 quarter of 2025.
However, the developer claim to have noticed a sudden surge in the option of minting 2 billion more tokens and listing in 2 quarters of 2024 toward the end of the poll surpassing the 8 billion minting option, which shows that a voting bot has been involved.

Catly developer now decided to proceed with minting more tokens however will be choosing a balanced approach between the "Mint 2 Billion More" and "Mint 8 Billion More" options to ensure a solution that satisfies everyone. 

CATLY is the world's first meme token project that supports buybacks during the presale on the Binance network and only for Binance users.

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