Mine cPen Network: A Cutting-edge Web3 Social Media Platform

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Express Entry Draw: 3.750 Candidates Invited

3,750 Candidates invited to apply for permanent residence.

The Government of Canada has issued invitations to apply for Canadian permanent residence to 3,750 Express Entry candidates in a new draw held on June 25, 2018. The cut-off Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score was 442.

According to CIC News, all-programs draw on Monday 25, 2018 is the second Express Entry invitation round in 11 days and is the second consecutive draw in which 3,750 candidates were issued Invitation to Apply, or ITAs, the record high for 2018.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) used its tie-break rule in this draw. The tie-break date and time for this latest invitation round were January 28,2018 at 21:06:11 UTCC. This means that all candidates with a CRS score above 442, as well as those candidates with scores of 442 who submitted their profile before the specified tie-break date and time, received an ITA in this invitation round.

Canada has increased the number of candidates it plans on welcoming through Express Entry in 2018 and again in 2019, to 74,900 and 81,400, respectively.

The example illustrates a candidate who would have obtained an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in June 25th draw:

Raj and Deshi 29 years old, married and each holds a bachelor's degree. Each has been working as a software engineer for three years and they both have advanced English language proficiency. While neither has worked or studied in Canada, their CRS score of 443 would have been high enough to obtain an ITA during the June 25 Express Entry Draw.

To find out if you are eligible to enter the Express Entry pool, fill out a free assessment form.

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