Core Ignition Drop Claiming Guide

 The Core Ignition Drop, which started the rewards claim on June 10, 2024, allows Coretoshis (Core Community) to unlock incentives for their contributions and engagement in the Core Blockchain. The Incentives claimed by the participating community are based on their activities up from the day they join the program until the snapshot is taken. In this article, I will discuss how to participate in the Core Ignition Drop, its benefits, and more. What is Core Ignition? Core ignition is an incentive program developed by the Core Foundation to jumpstart the growth of the DeFi ecosystem on Core Blockchain, the program started on March 11th, 2024, and will continue for six months, providing ample time for users to participate and reap the benefits, rewarding the community for their contributions to the network. By participating, users can earn rewards while simultaneously helping to fuel the growth and adoption of the Core ecosystem. The Core Ignition Program is for both ecosystem users and We

Crypto Update: The info you must not miss

1. Athena Network: Announcement regarding GEM to ATH Conversion and LION airdrop for February.
Hi Athene miners,
We would like to announce that:

At 0:00 (UTC) on March 1, 2024, we'll be taking a snapshot of your GEM balance mined throughout February. Your GEM balance will be momentarily deducted by 100%, but fear not! The system will securely save it for conversion to ATH, ensuring the correct ratio.

🦁 Besides, Athene miners will also receive $LION airdrop at the ratio of 1 GEM = 50 LION!

Note: Next month the ratio will be 1 GEM = 150 LION

The GEM to ATH conversion process will take place all day (March 1) until completed. Please kindly wait to see your ATH balance will be updated on your in-app wallet. 

There will be an announcement when the ATH distribution and LION airdrop are complete.

2. Core Chain is unlocking a Trillion-Dollar locked into Bitcoin economy.
Core Chain's vision paper might be the key to unlock it.
Bitcoin has a massive, yet largely untapped, economic potential. Scaling Bitcoin unlocks its potential within the DeFi ecosystem, transforming it into an active, productive asset.

According to Core Dev, Core Chain was designed with many goals in mind, including:
  • Leveraging Bitcoin to secure a decentralized, permissionless, trustless, censorship-resistant, self-sovereign, Turing Complete, and multi-purpose blockchain.
  • Expanding Bitcoin governance, incentive-alignment, and protection to EVM-compatible smart contracts.
  • Unlocking Bitcoin DeFi by granting Bitcoin stakeholders easy access to a parallel Bitcoin-secured, Bitcoin-aligned, and hyper-scalable smart contract platform.
  • Providing Bitcoin miners with increasingly-needed supplemental rewards by having them recycle hash power through Delegated Proof of Work.
  • Using mechanisms like non-custodial staking to turn bitcoin from a passive asset into a productive one (without entering new blockspace), thereby enabling far more bitcoin use-cases while reinforcing its core functionality.
3. OoenEX Launch Long Testnet:
As the OEX airdrop mining going to an end, OpenEX unveil the future of digital asset trading with the launch of OpenEX Long Testnet! A year symbolized by the auspicious dragon, bringing innovative trading solutions and a revolutionary native token strategy. Read Details .

4. Over Protocol Update:
The project 's Dev has directed it community to claim their points before staking ends.

(All points will be automatically accumulated even if you didn't unstake the points.)

When staking ends, you can't claim the unclaimed points anymore.

You don't have to unstake the points before update.

There is a confusion on staked and un-staked OVER points, the directive is that you don't need to un-stake your points but you should claim your points (you earned from staking) before the app update on 13th march.
  • OBT season 2 start from 13th March
  • The new OVER wallet will be live soon & you will be able to migrate your points . 
  • KYC soon before Mainnet
  • Mainnet launch in the first half of this year
  • Over now on Coinmarketcap & Coingecko (preview only)

New Users Join Fast

5. Zeusnet Mining Updates: ZEUSNET KYC level -1 is live now!
Every participants must need to complete KYC Level-1 to start mining.

Action Required: KYC by Selfie Picture

How to Complete KYC:
  • Access the KYC section in the Zeusnet Miner application.
  • Fill in all the required data in the KYC form correctly
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to submit a clear and legitimate selfie photo.
  • Ensure that your face is well-lit, and all details are visible.
Mainnet announcement soon

Mining will End once after Maximum supply Hold by Community (Miner⛏)


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